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Fifty dollar donationS to Artful Living

This page somewhat dated... it applied in Summer 2012... however, if the basic ideas below interest you, do get in touch. "the day job" precludes doing anything at some times in the year, but I suspect we could arrange something. And if Artful Living isn't the charity of your choice, we could probably agree on another.

After twenty years of teaching, I now write computer software and web pages.

There are two reasons for my offer to send money to Artful Living...

(I am only "connected" with Artful Living as an impressed member of the audience of several productions.)

Here's my offer to you and to Artful Living....

If you will give me two 60 minute sessions of your time for one of the following, I will donate $50 to Artful Living. The sessions can be for yourself, or for a child (nine or older) or young person. In the case of the Windows software option, you will be left with software you can use forever.

Details follow. At some point I hope you will be convinced to at least explore the possibility of getting together... there is a "contact me" link at the bottom of the page.

Windows freeware and shareware

I have a catalog of freeware and shareware. (That link will open in its own tab, so you can get back here easily.)

To arrange the $50 donation to Artful Living, you have to let me spend some time installing most of the freeware from that site on one of your computers, and then listen to a presentation about the software.

I could come to you, or you could bring a (Windows) computer to me. In addition, you will have a six month opportunity to upgrade a SheepdogSoftware program for only 50% of the usual price, and as many others as you wish for 70% of the usual prices.

In any case, you get to keep the freeware, and it works forever; it is not time-limited as some "freeware" is.

Many web versions are the full version of the programs. Others are true shareware: you can use them in that form indefinitely, but some features are restricted. For example, one program to help children learn their arithmetic tables is exactly like the full version, but it only gives problems in adding, and only up to "four plus four". The full version also gives multiplication problems and goes up to 9+9 and 9 times 9. But, for free, you can test out how the program helps the child practice the knowledge.

For more on these issues, see my catalog, link above.


I publish web pages on many topics. (Visit my home page to see what they are.)

But I don't know how effective those pages are.

If you want $50 to go to Artful Living, let me sit at your elbow as you try to work through any of my tutorials. I'll get an insight into the usefulness of the pages; you... or the youngster of your choice... will get live help from an experienced teacher. See "Fine Points" below for some topic specific notes. In particular, note that if you want to give an Arduino a try, you don't need to already own one.

While we can discuss working on any of the topics I've published pages about, I would guess that the following covers the most promising possibilities. You do not need anything beyond a computer and a decent internet connection for these... required software (and hardware) we can discuss... you won't have to buy anything, not, at least, for the "trigger donation to Artful Living" sessions.

Flying "Lessons"

I have a private pilot's licence. Several computer flight simulators, notably the ones from Microsoft, are realistic enough to be worthwhile.

I can help you make the connection between the "game" and what real flying is all about. We can discuss whether you would come and "fly" my computer, or whether I would come to you.

Please note: This offer isn't about playing a "zap, zap, shoot 'em up" game. It is about using the computer to go someplace which would be expensive to access otherwise.

(In some circumstances, the "flying" sessions could lead to a quick trip up in a real plane. I need an excuse to go flying anyway....)

A few fine points...

This offer is time-limited, and "participant limited". If 100 people want to take it up, I am not going to give up 200 hours of my time, and I'm not going to give $5,000 to Artful Living. We need to begin discussing when we might get together quite soon, if you are going to be one of the beneficiaries.

I taught in elementary and secondary schools for 20 years. I am more than happy to give my time to a youngster, but the activities all require a certain amount of maturity. Many of the programs can help the under nines... but the two 60 minute sessions are on offer to people more than eight years old.

I live in Deep River. For most of the proposed activities, it would be best if I visited you. If you live in Hartford... sorry, but I don't want to drive that far.

If you want to take up the offer, you have to let me tell Artful Living your name, or a "nom de plume" so that when I make the donation, they can record that, and be in a position to confirm that I actually did send them the $50, if you want to check.

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My site at Arunet  My Sheepdog Guides site

Ad from page's editor: Yes.. I do enjoy compiling these things for you... hope they are helpful. However.. this doesn't pay my bills!!! If you find this stuff useful, (and you run an MS-DOS or Windows PC) please visit my freeware and shareware page, download something, and circulate it for me? At least (please) send an 'I liked the parallel port use page, and I'm from (country/ state)' email? (No... I don't do spam) Links on your page to this page would also be appreciated!

Click here to visit editor's freeware, shareware page.

There are two ways to contact this page's editor, Tom Boyd... email or anonymous online "comment" form.

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