Collecting the books of Kenneth Grahame

Most people have heard of Grahame's Wind In The Willows... a wonderful book, of course.

Not as many have heard of the charming The Golden Age (1895) and companion Dream Days (1898). (Wikipedia have entries for each of them.)

Which is a pity. I will try to say more, to encourage you, later. For now some "pressing" matters....

From the dates, you can guess that first editions were not illustrated by E.H. Shepard, who had such a gift for children's books, and books about childhood, which is the genre of Golden Age and Dream Days.

However, in 1928 (The Golden Age), and 1930 (Dream Days), this deficit was filled. (First published in the UK, by The Bodley Head. Everything you would expect. Wonderful.

But beware: The dustjacket for the 1930 Dream Days had, if I am not mistaken, "7/6" on the spine. (I have seen such a dustjacket... I just can't be certain that it was the one issued with the first Shepard-illustrated Dream Days.)

I have also seen another dust jacket, but with "3/6" on the spine. As far as I can tell, they are otherwise identical... including the books advertised, and the prices they are advertised at, on the parts of the dust jacket which fold into the book, and, of course, also on the back.

So if you see a 1930 Dream Days, with dust jacket, look for the price on the spine, and make your own guess as to whether the dust jacket on offer is a first issue or not.

But whatever you do, give one or the other a try, as wonderful reading. They are available for free download from Project Gutenberg.

Another Edition

A rather nice uniform edition of The Golden Age, Dream Days, and The Wind In The Willows was brought out in 1953.

They were brought out as a collaboration between Dodd Mead and Scribner's, in New York, if the books available at are anything to go by. I have seen copies, and rather strangely, "1953" only appears in The Wind In The Willows....

Copyright pages, Grahame works, 1953 edition

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